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Hi, I'm Courtney Roberts


Over 10 Years of Animal Care & Training Experience

After graduating from Tarleton State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife Management in 2011, Courtney volunteerd at In-sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center in Wylie, TX, The Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, TX, completed a 6 month internship at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, LA, and was employed at the Dallas Zoo for 10 months.


In May 2014, she began a new and exciting career path of dog training and hasn't looked back since. Courtney spends many hours of her time dedicated to learning the most effective, science-based, up-to-date training methods and techniques by regularly attending various seminars, workshops, conferences, and webinars in order to provide clients with the best advice and information available.

Passionate about a

Compassionate Approach

With her own dogs, Ted (dachshund, 10) and Zeke (pit bull, 8), Courtney has dabbled in tricks titles, obedience, and nose work. Courtney’s pack has doubled in the past 2 years to include her partners two dogs Lily (German Shepherd mix, 10) and Karma (Boxer mix, 8) plus their newest human baby addition, Sage, who was born February 2022! They all enjoy getting out in nature, hiking, and camping as often as they can. I am a proud advocate for errorless learning that utilizes thoughtful environmental management, defining and fulfilling individual needs, and positive reinforcement exercises to provide the least intrusive, most positive approach to training possible.


Errors are not necessary for learning to occur. Errors are not a function of learning or vice versa nor are they blamed on the learner. Errors are a function of poor analysis of behavior, a poorly designed shaping program, moving too fast from step to step in the program, and the lack of the prerequisite behavior necessary for success in the program .” (B.F. Skinner, The Technology of Teaching, 1968)


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We can be serious in achieving goals we set all while staying light-hearted and compassionate. There is no better time than now to create and strengthen a long-lasting, loving relationship with your canine companion based on mutual trust, respect, and love.

Certifications, Credentials, & Active Memberships


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed via CCPDT

  • Fear Free Certified Professional

  • Certified AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator

  • Certified Trick Dog Instructor via Do More with Your Dog

  • Supporting Member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants

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Sunday thru Wednesday

8:00AM - 5:00PM


Service Area

North County

San Diego, CA

©2023 by Dr. Mark. Proudly created with

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